Events that Transfer Access provides include The Annual Transfer Conference, the yearlong “Infusion” mentor-ship program, workshops catered to transfers, tabling, and a college tour. All the events that the Transfer Access puts on are all free, so, please sign up!
The program consists of 5 main components:
- The first component is the Mentor “Infusion” Program, where transfers who already transferred to UCSD act as mentors to prospective transfers.
- The second component is a transfer college tour. The tour consists of 5 different colleges.
- The third component are specified workshops dealing with different areas of transferring. Currently, Transfer Access has 10 different workshops.
- The fourth component is quarterly student panels. Where we invite students to come to UCSD, go on a tour of the campus, and participate in a panel of successful transfer students.
- The final component is the Annual UCSD SPACES transfer Conference at UCSD.