Work at SPACES

Deadline: Friday, April 12th, 2024 at 11:59PM
info session slides link
 info session recording link
OptionalLetter of Recommendation 
**Please note, not having a letter of recommendation will not negatively affect your application.**
Please inform your recommender to submit their letter to have their letter completed by the deadline.

The mission of the Student Promoted Access Center for Education and Service (SPACES) is to act as an empowering dynamic on campus where UCSD students collaborate to achieve greater educational equity. This encompasses equal access to higher education, undergraduate retention and graduation, and matriculation to graduate and professional schools. SPACES values the power of student initiated action and organizing by providing an environment for student growth and development, and thus is a foundation to create leadership and unity through community engagement.
SPACES serves as the center for student-initiated access and retention projects at the university. Student Initiated Access Programs and Services (SIAPS) shall exist as the “access” component to SPACES. The Student Initiated Programs for Holistic Retention (SIPHR) shall exist as the “retention” component to SPACES. The Student Programs Ignited for Community Engagement & Education (SPICEE) shall exist as the “community” component to SPACES.
All SPACES student staff positions are focused on increasing access to higher education, improving retention in higher education and encouraging matriculation to graduate/professional school. All student staff are expected to work in a highly collaborative manner in order to collectively improve campus climate and our connection with the San Diego community.
For more information, please email:

Student Coordinator Positions

We offer (33) paid student staff coordinator positions that are specific to (4) four focus areas which provide an experience to develop specific knowledge and skills that are adaptable to any work environment. The access positions will fall under our SIAPS component, retention positions will fall under SIPHR, and community-education and communication positions will fall under the SPICEE component. Though many of the student staff positions entail working with certain communities, experiences will be taken into consideration, but also commitment and the ability for growth since SPACES student staff positions allow individuals the opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and raising consciousness within themselves.
Access Coordinators (12)
Retention Coordinators (12)
Community-Education Coordinators (4)
Communications Coordinators (6)

Co-Director Positions

The (8) director positions are appointed positions that serve as administrative roles that help coordinators organize and manage the programs and internal structure of SIPHR, SIAPS, SPICEE and SPACES. They also focus on developing leadership with coordinators, board members and volunteers.

Co-Director Positions (8)