Post-Program Report

All events/programs that are funded/supported through SPACES must have a post-program report. All post-program reports must be submitted within 14 days following the event/program. Failure to submit your post-program report within the 14-day deadline will affect funding for future programs. Funding proposals of new events/programs for respective student organization and/or student staff members will not be accepted until the post-program is received.

Please take the time to thoughtfully complete the post-program report. This report is to be utilized in compiling SPACES quarterly and annual reports to be distributed to the Campus and to the State Legislature. It is important that Program Coordinators must provide as much detail as possible for each question. This well  help assess the effectiveness of the program/service and to help improve future programs and services.

In addition to filling out the questions listed below, Program Coordinators must provide the following information:

  • Compile all your participant information
    • Create an excel database listing all the information, or
    • Submit all participants information via our online forms.
  • Compile all evaluations into a spreadsheet.
  • Attach any media (Pictures, flyers)

Note: In the case that the submission form does not work, please compile all the necessary information and email all the required documents to